English 8 News Article

English 8 News Article

Killing Floor Book Cover Killing Floor
Jack Reacher
Lee Child
Novel, Thriller, Mystery, and Fiction
G. P. Putnam’s Sons
March 17, 1997

Man Found Murdered in Margrave
Jameson Pella, Margrave Press
Margrave, Georgie

At approximately 8 this morning, a man was found lying under some cardboard dead near the Kliner Warehouse. The man was found with two shots through the head. He was shot by a small caliber rifle with a silencer. Local police say they have no idea who the man is that was shot. Police say they have been trying to be able to identify him.

Currently the Margrave Police department have two suspects. One suspect Jack Reacher said,”I was in Tampa last night. Got on the bus at midnight, and got off the bus at 8 this morning where the country meets the road.” The other Mr. Paul Hubble said he committed the crime but Chief Morrison is still unsure so both will be spending the weekend in prison. Police say,” The way Paul Hubble acted when we interviewed him was weird. We asked home about Mr. Reacher which he said he had no idea about and was very relaxed. But when we started to ask about the dead man with a bald head he fell apart.”

The police decided to dive deeper into the scene of the crime and found that this could have been an execution by a professional. Around the scene of the crime no bullets were found, because of this police believe this could be done by a professional. However what they have said is really quite unusual was what had happened to the body. The body had been kicked and beaten to be unrecognizable. The man had no ID, wallet, or any distinguishing marks. The only thing they no it is a man about 40, pretty tall, and bald.

The Margrave police department have said that they are going to continue to look at the scene of the crime. They are also looking for more suspects and have said that if you know anything about it let them know. The current suspects will be further investigated and their alibis will be checked to see if where they said they were is actually where they were at.

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